

Soft pack battery, UN38.3 certification, professional support for the certification of the joint branch escort

Author:中认联科 time:2024-03-26 Ctr:82

Soft pack battery is a form of lithium battery, compared to the traditional cylindrical or square battery, soft pack battery is more flexible, can be designed and manufactured according to the need for various shapes. It has the characteristics of high energy density, lightweight and flexible, soft pack battery as a kind of lithium battery, in order to ensure product quality and safety, need to apply for UN38.3 certification.

What is UN38.3 certification?

 UN38.3 certification refers to the United Nations standard on the transport safety of lithium batteries, which aims to ensure the safety of lithium batteries and their products during transport. This certification requires that the battery will not cause explosion, fire and other safety problems during transportation, storage and carrying, in order to protect people and property from damage.

What do I need to prepare for applying for UN38.3 certification for soft pack batteries?

The application materials for UN38.3 certification include product technical specifications, design drawings, battery material information, production process, etc. This information needs to be complete and accurate to ensure that the product meets international standards.

What is the process of applying for UN38.3 certification for soft pack batteries?

Generally include the following steps: you need to prepare the relevant information and documents, including product technical specifications, design drawings, battery material information, production process, etc., then you can choose the appropriate certification body to apply for UN38.3 certification. For example, they can provide professional technical support and guidance to help you through the certification process.

What are the benefits and importance of applying for UN38.3 certification of softpack batteries?

1.UN38.3 certification is an internationally accepted standard, which is particularly important for export products.

2. It can enhance the market competitiveness and consumer confidence of the product, because the certification proves the safety of the product during transportation

3.UN38.3 certification also helps to reduce damage and accidents during the transportation of products, reducing the risk and liability of enterprises.

As a professional certification body, ZRLK has rich experience and professional technical team, which can provide all-round support and guidance for enterprises. In the handling of UN38.3 certification, we work closely with enterprises to provide professional guidance and technical support from preparing materials, experimental testing to audit and evaluation to ensure the smooth progress of the certification process. Companies can more easily complete UN38.3 certification, helping products to market efficiently and ensure product compliance and competitiveness in the market.

UN38.3 certification is an important passport for soft-pack battery products to enter the international market. With the professional support of the Joint ZRLK, together constitute the advantages of product certification. Choose the joint ZRLK, choose a more efficient and reliable certification path, so that professional technical support becomes the best help for the successful listing of products.

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